SharePoint is far more then just another application. This extremely powerful business tool, when used correctly, ties all your staff PCs and mobile devices together, allowing them to communicate in real time and synchronize their efforts. Giving everyone in your business instant collaboration of it’s vital components.
As a manager do you ever ask yourself these questions?
“My team travel and work different hours how can I find a better way to centralize and collaborate all our files & documents?”
Or maybe its
“I loose so much time chasing files and documents from my team! How can I end this problem for good?”
SharePoint can help you manage your team’s workload by:
- Collaborating on Documents in real-time. Several employees can edit the same document at the same time.
- With full support for tablet and mobile devices, staff who are travelling are easily able to access relevant information where ever they are. Whether this information is approving a task, updating a document etc.
- Version control – Using version control leaves a full audit trail showing which member of staff altered a document. Employees who work at different times from the majority of your team are able to see easily the changes made to relevant documents
“I use e-mail extensively within my team. My Inbox is always full and I struggle to keep up with everyday tasks, can I sort this out?”
SharePoint is an excellent tool to assist you by:
- Reducing e-mail “chatter” – Documents can be routed for approval using workflows, reducing the need to send a document via e-mail on a “round robin” approach. Workflow Tasks for your approval as a Manager can be set on a Task list in Outlook allowing you to quickly glance at items requiring your attention
- By utilising virtual team areas within SharePoint, staff can exchange ideas in Discussion groups or Wiki’s. This information is then not lost when employees leave your company as so often happens when mailboxes are closed.
“I’m under pressure to make cost reductions! Is there a system that can help me out?”
SharePoint can help you as a Manager to deliver real cost savings to your business by:
- Using workflow to route documents to the correct cost center managers for approval. Dashboards can be created showing the current status of which documents have been approved and which are waiting approval. You can then use this to deliver weekly or monthly KPI reports to Senior Management Teams.
- Reducing paper – All business aim to go paper free. Help your business achieve this by using SharePoint to accept electronic invoices automatically from Suppliers. Any paper Invoices received can be scanned and stored within SharePoint. Combining this with workflow will reduce paper wastage and contribute to your business commitment to reducing your carbon footprint.
- Dashboards help identify where bottle necks are within your business. If there are frequent issues with approval in one area you will be able to quickly drill down and investigate how and why these are occurring and take remedial action to address these items.
Your greatest asset is your people. SharePoint unlocks the productivity of your team, enabling them to work together more efficiently and effectively, and its reliability means the benefits are available 24/7, 365. There’s no sales spiel or hard sell – just straight talking and practical advice.